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What you need to know when obtaining a buy to let property
For some people the concerns over future stock market performance and current low savings rates means purchasing a buy to let property is a good investment option. There is a strong demand for rental properties in certain parts of the UK and this has made being a landlord an appealing investment for both income and long-term growth.
The amount you can borrow on a residential mortgage is predominately based on your income and outgoings. With a Buy to Let mortgage the amount available to borrow will be based predominately on the rental income the property can achieve.
There are many Buy to Let lenders on the market that cater for a wide variety of circumstances. Historically Buy to Let lending was only available for people meeting certain requirements, such as being a property owner already or having a minimum income, however as the market has become more competitive we are finding that more lenders are willing to look at these applications.
A mortgage lender will arrange for a valuation of the property to be undertaken as part of the application. As well as providing a figure for the valuation of the property, they will also give you an estimate of the property's potential rental income. This figure will be then be used to decide what you can borrow. Every lender will calculate this amount differently and this means the amount available to borrow will vary from lender to lender. A typically lender calculation would be to calculate what interest would be payable on a mortgage at 5.5% to allow for rate rises in the future, and then use 145% of this figure to allow for costs of upkeeping the property, tax and periods when the property may be empty. This would then be the required rental income for the year.
As an example:
£300,000 mortgage x 5.5% stress rate x 145% = £23,925 required rental income for the year (£1,994 per calendar month)
One recent innovation in the Buy to Let mortgage market has been the introduction of “top slicing” personal income. This is where the lender will calculate what disposable income you have available as part of the application to help cover the rental income calculations. In the example above if the property was only deemed to have rental income potential of £1,500 per month but you had £500 disposable income available a lender may be willing to take this into account and you can then still achieve the mortgage required.
Some lenders might use a different stress rate to calculate the rental income. If you decide to fix for 5 years, this can potentially increase the amount of borrowing available.
A large majority of new buy to let purchases are being purchased in a Ltd company. There are pros and cons of doing this and it is not always the right solution. Our adviser can help you work through the advantages and disadvantages of this structure and if necessary involve an accountant from Bennison Brown Accountants to clearly explain the tax implications. This will help you determine whether a Ltd company purchase is the most efficient structure for your circumstances.
There are a number of costs to consider when purchasing a Buy to Let property such as any maintenance the property may need or periods when the property is not rented out. There are also a number of taxes to be aware of:
Stamp Duty
Income tax
Capital gains tax
Inheritance tax
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Buy to Let mortgages are more complex than standard residential mortgages - so using a mortgage broker who has a thorough understanding of the market will ensure that you have all the facts available to make an informed choice. Many of the large Buy to Let lenders are only available through brokers, and we have access to an extensive range of products to help us find the right solution for your circumstances.
At Bennison Brown we pride ourselves on the level of service we offer our clients. Your adviser will clearly explain the different types of mortgages and your options. After reviewing all your documentation we will be able to offer truly individual advice as to the best mortgage solution for you. We will then support your application process, keeping you fully informed throughout.
Not all Buy to Let Mortgages are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority